Wednesday, 1 September 2010

growing up.

Basically... packing to go back to uni and my parents cleared out our loft the other week. Had a load of old stuff from when me and my siblings were children...i wrote some wonderful stories as a child...

"One day I went into the woods and there were badgers and bears in the woods so I made friends with the badgers and bears and we had a picnic and then it was time to go to bed so I slept with the badgers and bears..."

I don't like all this growing up stuff much at times....

Saturday, 28 August 2010

Dear Friends....Part 2

Mainly Male Friends...

Dear Friend who took Me Up St.Pauls
I do not see you enough, so when I did it was lovely to see you. Thank you for the amazing facebook chats, the lovely cuddles, and the good laughs that we always have. Not so thanks for the fact we do not have them enough.
I think that is definitely enough hinting for now.
Love from
The Friend who you bought Kopperburg.

Dear Three Friends who I can Never Seperate.
I miss you three. I miss being in a room, watching you play Halo. I miss you laughing at me swearing at Halo. I miss going for walks whilst you are being illegal. I miss cleaning one of your sinks. I miss snuggles with you all. I miss you all a lot.
You have the most beautiful Bromance in the world, and you MUST visit us from Mount Clare.
Much Love
The Friend Who Ups your Kill Count.

Dear Friend who got there one Day Late
It's been so lovely to see you this summer, I miss you when I am at Uni and you must come and visit me! I miss you lots and lots, we have had some very nice times this summer! :) Wales would have been crap without you, and I am STILL sorry for shouting. But my knickers were not in a Twist.
Many Thanks and Many Loves
The Friend who you only shout at when you're REALLY stressed.

Dear Friend Who Fell Down A Moutain.
(One of) The Friend(s) Who Saved your Arse.

Dear Friend Who is Beautiful, and Swings the other Way,
You are beautiful and I have missed you so much this summer. I'm gutted you couldn't come to my bbq, but I am so so glad that you managed to go to Beckys :) we have had such wonderful times together, and I look forward so much to next year is going to be just wonderful :)
Love From,
The Friend who gets Evils When she Dances with you at Bop.

Dear Friend Who is Ginger and Spanish (sort of)
Only Seven Days, my dear, and you have to suffer the wrath of living with me and Kbear. However, This isn't so bad when you consider the fact that we are going to make cakes, and tidy up a lot, and treat you very well, and things like that. I look forward to us having a lot of good times next year, because it will be awesome :)
Love From
Friend who Can't wait to Live with You.

Dear Friend who I love more than All Of Them
You are the bear and I am the Tree. I love you till the End.
Love From
The Girl who is So Glad that You got her A Coffee.

Dear Friends....

Dear Friend who Wrote me A Letter.
I miss you alot. I miss shouting at you from window, and running around in thunderstorms with a certain beautiful ginger boy. I miss sitting in my room talking about just how GAY everyone is because they aren't at uni. I miss sitting watching u all be "really illegal, guyyys" and being the very best I can be at halo.

But, In however many days time, we shall be reunited, and ginger boys, thunderstorms, being illegal and halo will be goin' on. There shall be freshers to meet, parties to go to, and fun times with fun peeplies. I look forward to it all.

Much Love
Friend Who Lives In Stevenage.

Dear Friend who will work in a Toy Shop with Me
I have missed you muchly this summer. I am like a husband without his wife, and a bone without it's dog. But in Seven days time, life will be complete again. And hopefully, just hopefully, we will both have a job working for the loveliest little toyshop ever.

I miss you.

Love from,
Friend Who will work in a Toy Shop with You.

Dear Friend who Lives near the Aeroplanes.

You are rubbish. You could've lived with us this year, but no.
It's okay though. Because I love you more than biscuits, and you know JUST how much I love biscuits. I look forward to the tea drinking, the crazy dancing, and the sleepovers where we have a bed big enough for the both of us. I miss you a lot. Like Nemo misses his Dad, and Dory misses her memory.

Lots of Love from
Your Friend who Can't Drive

Dear Friend Who Went To Egypt without Me.
You went to Egypt without me, and I have only seen you twice this summer. As usual, you looked stunning both times and put everyone else to shame. I can't wait for you to move in to your new flat, and to have ur freshers and things. It is going to be good times :)
I miss you and ur stylish ways millions. I even miss your spelling mistakes.
Love from
Friend who always corrects your essays.

Dear Friend who rescued me from Wales.
Thank you for rescuing me from Wales. And, more often than not, from myself. You are an angel, and I will miss you so much when I go back. I don't think there is much more to say than that.
Love from,
Your Friend who is Brilliant at Gears of War 2

Dear Friend who Dribbled on my Leg.
You are one of the very few people I will ever let get really drunk in a club and then dribble on me. I had a fantastic time with you this summer and I am going to miss u so much when I go back. you and Michael Mcintyre must come to visit when you get the chance. I will miss Frankie, and I will miss you being a brunette (which i loveeee). I only wish we could have spent more time together, my dear.
Lots of love,
Your friend who Kissed A Girl.

Dear Friend who got, amongst other things, a new Puppy this summer.
Well, running is the first thing. At least we tried. D of E is the second thing. Again, at least we tried. Getting Gary to come to the least we tried. I think our summer is taking on a kind of pattern, don't you?
Anyway, this summer has been brilliant despite all the trial and error, and I look forward to you staying with me when I go back to Roehampton. Will miss you awfully.
Loads of Love,
Your Friend who you tell Secrets to.

Dear Friend whose Boyfriend was a...lets not go there.
WELL. the fact you now have a boyfriend AND a full time job is rubbish. I saw a certain set of brothers MORE than I saw you this summer. BUT... when I did see you, it was wonderful and lovely and just like old times. We need more times like that. You need to come and see me in Roehampton, please. Kaythanksbye.
Love From,
Your Friend who misses the Old Times, and wants the New Times.

Thursday, 26 August 2010

haven't written in ages!

I'm moving into my new flat in London with 2 very wonderful people in 9- no, wait, now it's 8 days time. I'm very excited, but feel a bit too young to be growing up so damn fast...

Anyway, I found this whilst clearing through the piles of stuff I want to take with me (large pile) need to take with me (slightly smaller pile) and don't want to take with me (...the only thing in that pile is my twin, and even she won't stay put!...). It's an extract from a poem by W H Auden...

Can it pull extraordinary faces?
Is it usually sick on a swing?
Does it spend all it's time at the races,
Or fiddling with pieces of string?
Has it views of it's own about money?
Does it think Patriotism enough?
Are it's stories vulgar but funny?
O, tell me the truth about Love.

When it comes will it come without warning?
Just as I'm picking my nose?
Will it knock on the door in the morning,
Or tread in the bus on my shoes?
Will it come like a change in the weather?
Will it's greeting be courteous or rough?
Will it alter my life altogether?
O, tell me the truth about Love.

You should look up the whole poem. It's long, but rather wonderful, and very witty. Shall post a new one soon if I come across one I like.


Wednesday, 28 April 2010

its 2 oclock in the morning, and I'm on my 2nd mug of coffee.

Dearest Bed,

I really do miss you, honestly.

But unfortunately, I have been kidnapped by that evil fiend, Uni Work.

I know what you're thinking, Bed. "Oh no, Not him again!"

But I must pay a 4,000 word ransom before I am set free,

and seeing as you, bed, cannot write, it falls to me to deliver myself.

All I ask is that you wait for me to return to you.

Lots of Love


Thursday, 4 March 2010

my newest challenge!!!

Here is a challenge for you.

Well its more about you helping me fulfill a challenge for myself...

basically, i want to learn 100 poems in a year.

of by heart so that I can recite them

the only trouble is...

what poems??

which is where you come in

comment me with poems that you think i could learn- none of this paradise lost stuff, be reasonable with me!!

here's a snippet of the poems I've already got on the list, feel free to send me your suggestions! Many thanks

Sonnet 130, 116, and 18- William Shakespeare
Valentine-Carol Ann Duffy
Words-Sylvia Plath
She Walks in Beauty- Byron
As Kingfishers Catch Fire, and The Windhover- Hopkins

let me know guys :D


Friday, 19 February 2010

another rant about a facebook post, I'm afraid.

this rant is against the group...and i quote from facebook, "1,000,000 PEOPLE AGAINST CHILD SEX OFFFENDERS AND CHILD PORNOGRAPHY"


everyone is against sex abuse. i'm not being funny, but you don't need to join a facebook group to show the world that-its not something controversial like organ donation or giving blood. its something that the vast vast majority of society disagree with. this group makes it like you are trying to guilt trip facebook members to join because if not they must be for paedophiles and sex offenders and child porn? this is the kind of group that in my opinion, is, as my good friend sam put it... "bollocks".

as a matter of fact, most facebook groups are just ridiculous. yes, i love my boyfriend. yes i like waking up to unread texts. i also sleep with my arm under the pillow, would love a slide instead of stairs, and i laugh out loud when i see LOTS of things!!

if you need to join a group to express yourself, then you should quickly thing of a better way. yes, i understand humans like to be in groups and like to find people similar to themselves- but its like everyone wants to be normal, like you set up a facebook group about a supposedly weird quirk of yours that you want to see if anybody else has- well the truth is, humans are amazingly similar in alot of things- so surely we should be celebrating our differences?

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

an angry one...

I've just been rading a friends facebook status and got really angry. basically, this guy was sayig that AIDs was a creation of God and therefore christianity "sickened him"

please understand a theology or a religion before criticising it. religion has become an easy scapegoat nowadays, something to easily get angry at or to provide a valid reason to be angry.

degrading a religion because you do not understand it does not make you big or clever. it just makes you sound ridiculous. Religion is what it is to people, that I understand and can manifest itself in different ways, and yes some of these ways are wrong. but honestly, until you can understand the reasons behind that religion and why perhaps people chose to follow that religion in a certain way do not judge it. yes, some people may be very fanatic or extremely strict about their religion but can you base your knowledge upon the little that you read in the tabloids?

rant over and i apologise. but it got on my nerves...

thanks x

Friday, 12 February 2010

I'm angry at the world...

...and that doesn't happen very often. 2 fire alarms in two hours, pretty much, between 2 and 4 this morning. thanks very much.

i left my carrier bag with my holland and barretts stuff in superdrug, or the toilet, or on the train,

the hair lady didnt cut my hair how i wanted it=poodle. but i do kinda like it.

and been having some awkward convos recently.

the loveliest day to begin with, spending time in london with mum. was wonderful!! =)

but no. thanks alot, world!

im being too bitter, i suppose. i dont hate the world. im probably just hormonal and tired. which really means i should get some sleep.

night all, and don't lose faith in the world. even if it makes u angry sometimes, its gunna help you out in the long run, right?

much love, im going to sleep now.

unless some other douche sets off the fire alarm!!!

Sunday, 7 February 2010

we got kicked out.

Last night, 6 people who hadn't seen eachother it ages met up. Heather,Nay,Dave,Jo,Sam and myself. We go to wetherspoons, and Dave says he'll gets the drinks in. Comes back form the bar
"one of you is going to have to go up because i dont have ID." to cut the long story short....we get asked to leave, because bearded,22 year old dave doesn't have ID.


So we go across the road to another pub. get the drinks in fine, even have a corkys shot each.

then we get asked to leave because JOANNE doesnt have ID. oh dear.

so we wander around the highstreet, needing to pee and needing somewhere warm to sit.

so we go to tescos, and pee.

the relief!! so we buy some munchies in tescos-mainly roasted nuts, nomnomnom, and the go for a wander round the town because its call during the night whilst nobody is there. i mistake some main lighting a ladies cigarette for him proposing and feel silly, and we have a funny conversation about sex.

then we go into macdonalds, and get kicked out of half of macdonalds, and kind of outstay our welcome. woops!!

it was a good night, with good people.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Romeo and Juliet

my little brothers first day back at school since they broke up for christmas and i get a text at lunchtime asking me to "briefly sum up romeo and juliet" so i did:

romeo and juliet's families are at war, and romeo and his friends sneak into a party juliets family is holding, and romeo sees juliet and falls in love with her. They spend some smoochy time om a balcony and decide to get married in secret. Ater they get married juliets cousin tybalt kills romeos friend mercutio and so romeo kills tybalt and is banished by the cool guy called the prince. Juliets dad tells her to marry a guy called paris so juliet pretends to be dead and romeo is told she is really dead-damn the friar-so he buys some poison and goes to her grave/tomb thing and kills himself she wakes up finds him dead and stabs herself and the families decide the deaths have to stop and make up. the end 

here's hoping his English teacher agrees with me. I suppose it was a better naswer than 

"Romeo and Juliet
On a balcony they met,
Said Romeo to Juliet
You're the ugliest bird I've ever met"

who came up with that anyway?
