Tuesday 16 February 2010

an angry one...

I've just been rading a friends facebook status and got really angry. basically, this guy was sayig that AIDs was a creation of God and therefore christianity "sickened him"

please understand a theology or a religion before criticising it. religion has become an easy scapegoat nowadays, something to easily get angry at or to provide a valid reason to be angry.

degrading a religion because you do not understand it does not make you big or clever. it just makes you sound ridiculous. Religion is what it is to people, that I understand and can manifest itself in different ways, and yes some of these ways are wrong. but honestly, until you can understand the reasons behind that religion and why perhaps people chose to follow that religion in a certain way do not judge it. yes, some people may be very fanatic or extremely strict about their religion but can you base your knowledge upon the little that you read in the tabloids?

rant over and i apologise. but it got on my nerves...

thanks x

1 comment:

  1. Seconded. Obviously.

    And to be honest, to even suggest that AIDs is a creation of God is a ridiculous, unscientific, and quite frankly horrific thing to say.
