Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Romeo and Juliet

my little brothers first day back at school since they broke up for christmas and i get a text at lunchtime asking me to "briefly sum up romeo and juliet" so i did:

romeo and juliet's families are at war, and romeo and his friends sneak into a party juliets family is holding, and romeo sees juliet and falls in love with her. They spend some smoochy time om a balcony and decide to get married in secret. Ater they get married juliets cousin tybalt kills romeos friend mercutio and so romeo kills tybalt and is banished by the cool guy called the prince. Juliets dad tells her to marry a guy called paris so juliet pretends to be dead and romeo is told she is really dead-damn the friar-so he buys some poison and goes to her grave/tomb thing and kills himself she wakes up finds him dead and stabs herself and the families decide the deaths have to stop and make up. the end 

here's hoping his English teacher agrees with me. I suppose it was a better naswer than 

"Romeo and Juliet
On a balcony they met,
Said Romeo to Juliet
You're the ugliest bird I've ever met"

who came up with that anyway?
